Wednesday, November 4, 2020

The bear offers metaphor

       Make of it what you will.

I want to say the hundred blackbirds landing
on the golden tree and the too bright half-moon
hung over the pine and the breeze that feels
new and fresh over the world are positive signs.
I would be lying.
The air is still filled with disease and hate,
hopelessness twitches in my left eye
and dread is the shadow fluttering in my heart. 


1 comment:

  1. Someone's air has always been filled with hate or disease or both, but the beauty of that moon and the golden tree, the pine and the breeze, are real too. All any of us have is this moment, breathe it in, let the beauty that does exist hold you, however briefly.
    Recommended reading: Bring me the rhinoceros, and other koans that will save your life, by John Tarrant


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The thing with feathers

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