Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Hold onto your butts

Election Day. I have a pot of end-of-the-world chili cooking. The apocalypse shopping is done. Every Tuesday the tornado alarm is tested at 10 AM, quite fitting for the dread hovering about right now. Contrast that with the weather. It is bright and sunny and will be warm today after yesterday's killing frost. Sunday, I brought in every tomato that seemed it might ripen. I also got the final two green peppers (about the size of the end of my thumb) and with the first, which was the size of my thumb, used them in eggs for breakfast. Today the bed that held the garden is a tangle of black vines. I have now dubbed it Trump’s heart.

I want to rerun something I wrote in October, right before I started this blog. Something sent to a couple of people but it hasn’t seen the light of day since. I think it feels right to revisit it today of all days. So, I’ll post it and a photo of my last harvest and a quick meme from Jurassic Park.

Be safe.

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The thing with feathers

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