An older poem to share and a picture from Keukenhof, Holland. Both here because I am taking a night to watch something mindless after turning in all my final papers. There is still a book presentation and two small tests, but the larger papers are done. It is May, (and May the fourth be with you) and we are awaiting rain. Be safe, be kind, and ask what your happiness would write.
Here the weather is rain on tin-
roofs, an all-night jazz of thunder
& drizzle, owls chortle harmony
& spiders allow every third fly
reprieve. Beds are high
& under windows. Sheets line-dried
ooze sunlight into all my dreams.
When I wake the owls have transformed
night into biscuits & honey & the spiders
serve rainwater tea on silk & wings, & the tiny
tables of spent legs.
Day lasts as long as my attention
then as clouds disgorge stars, the moon reigns.
I slip back into places of reverie, things I’ve
lost: do you miss me?
Oh my, this is stunning. That second stanza! "the tiny tables of spent legs". Happy Flower moon!