Part of working on a poem a day means being able to play with some poems I leave as fragments around the house and in my school notes. This poem's fragments have been floating about since February. Tomorrow's fragment may be about how elephants have domesticated themselves, or the importance of contrapposto.
Story, in every tongue told us to look up
star points marked direction:
you could always find your way home.
Now we have the constellation of heartbreak
its long line follows shadow where stars blinked out.
We are lost.
where to look, even on cloudless nights
we don’t turn our faces up, seeking light.
A forgotten path closes.
We have forgotten the stars.
The stuff of us, points of light that use
to illuminate the world.
Let’s step out and find those stars
a promise to remember forgotten light:
Brianna and Emmett, George and Tyre.
Thank you.