Thursday, February 24, 2022

Small bits

The second round of the ice storm arrived at noon. Looking out the window the physical aspect of the storm can be seen in how it bounces bird seed across the ground and makes the birds flee to the safety of the pine and a spruce over by my neighbor’s house. A shelter of sorts. Last night as I moved the feeders in, close to thirty cardinals were out near the deck and the lilacs. The lilacs are good cover from hawks, but the ice pellets were small bits of shrapnel. Overnight these bits of ice formed a solid sheet on the road and sidewalk and the only safe passage this morning when placing the feeders back out was via the lawn; even then best to stay where no path has been forged. Right after lunch, the snow came. Just a light dusting to cover the ice. While watching the blackbirds at the feeders I noted a woodpecker that dropped in and hung on awkwardly grabbing a sunflower and then speeding away. I think this was also the one that joined the blue jays this morning gathering peanuts in front of the house.

The rest of the day was spent thinking about Europe, about Ukraine, about peace. Paging through poems. Watching the birds. Watching the weather. Thinking about Ukraine. It’s raining in Kyiv, Ukraine right now. Soon it will be dawn and the day will be fairly warm for February, there may be sun.

Two weak hand poems:

Overnight the sky came to earth as crystal,
perfect cold gems of water
transformed. The way I wish at times
to change, to move through the world
in all forms, assembling and
disassembling as needed.


In the clear dream
I saw sky and light
across a desert night
that place where stars
like curious observers
watch the earth
and wonder how
all those animals
can forget what
they’re made of

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, I Love both of these poems!
    Ice seems to be in the air (hah!) right now...


Thank you for reading and commenting!

The thing with feathers

Blackbirds & cowbirds, the grackles & jays spend the snowy morning at the feeders bullying finches & sparrows. Cardinals aflame ...