to the world, hurls its globe toward the sun
and looks back as though challenging light.
When the bumble of bees explore the surfaces,
covering themselves in the flower’s riches
I like how they become the flower
and forget for a moment how they flew.
When the goldfinch tears off the petals
in their loves-me-loves-me-not fury
I like how the sunflower feeds them
regardless of their litter and carelessness.
And when the Carolina Wren, uses the whole leg
of the tallest flower to show off its agile
and bright life, I love how it waits for the breeze
to part the leaves, only then lifting its voice
into the world, stopping as the wind stops.
The show is over. Please wait three
seconds for the next to begin.
I love sunflowers, and the bright visitors they attract. I have volunteers I should cut, just haven't brought myself to do it yet (but some other plants need some more room and light (these volunteers are a bushy variety!).