Saturday, July 31, 2021

Flat cat

Outside the flat cat is grazing. The flat cat is Otto the groundhog. A couple of days ago I watched him endure the neighbor cat. (she “belongs” to one neighbor a couple of houses down; she has claimed the next-door neighbor) She came charging at him and he stood up tall on his tip toes and hunched his back.

She stopped and then just sat watching him while her tail twitched wildly. I think Otto wouldn’t play the game she wanted. He lowered down slowly and started eating again, periodically she’d jump at him and he’d get big again. She grew bored quickly though, it’s no fun when the flat cat won’t indulge you. Last night she zipped across the lawn at him again, but stopped short when he turned around. They’re about the same size so I don’t see her actually jumping him, but she is a young cat and needs to have fun. What disgrace it must be to the other cats when they see these two together. I imagine them quoting Sylvester Junior, “Oh, the shame!”

Today it’s 37 degrees cooler than it was yesterday. The cardinals and finches have been at the feeders all day as though they haven’t eaten since summer started. The funny thing was the way the younger birds were fluffing up in the chill.

Right now, a squirrel is out trying to get the last of the sunflower seeds from the feeders. If there was an Olympic event for creativity at the feeder this particular squirrel would get the gold. I appreciate the bright red cardinal tsking her as she eats, swings and then sticks the landing.

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The thing with feathers

Blackbirds & cowbirds, the grackles & jays spend the snowy morning at the feeders bullying finches & sparrows. Cardinals aflame ...