Saturday, August 26, 2023

A cool Saturday evening

This is a moment from Thursday afternoon. The heat index was 115.

There was a certain glee around the neighborhood today, though, something about a temperature drop of what felt like 40 degrees. And rain. Don’t forget the rain. Jerry and I went out to take a walk just after dawn and he commented on how humid it felt. He was gone the past two weeks and missed the spectacularly hot weather. I said this was the most refreshing morning since last Sunday; then we went for a ramble in the rain.

Yesterday I watched the goldfinches panting as they fluttered about in the dogwood. I had water “stations” set out for any wee creature that needed them and a birdbath and I stood waiting for them to come down, but the breeze was in the tree, so they went for relief there.

Today though, with the rain the yard was alive. I got distracted watching a Titmouse family eating seeds off the lilacs and the cardinals (molting!) tried to get them to stop. The drama didn’t last long. I think something may have been said about the cardinal’s bald head and bad feelings. Maybe I’m projecting.

Here’s a poem I read recently that felt right to share for Papa Bear, Dean Husted. And feels right to share here on a cool Saturday evening.  When by Rebecca Baggett from The Woman Who Lives Without Money:

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

It's hot enough to scald a lizard

The other evening I checked the temperature and it read 117, all I could think to say was a very slow, Roy Kent, “Fuuuuu####kkkk!”. That was the “feel like” temp (apparently, it matched a previous high record). But, no rain, tornados, earthquakes, mudslides, or fires. Just sauna-like heat with the humidity. Today (and yesterday) the afternoon temperature is 114. And fog both mornings. So much like a sauna, I need to carry a towel.

Now I’m gearing up for Thursday which is forecast to be the “hot” day.

On Sunday morning, I went out for a walk while it was still a cool 71. Afterward, I watched a squirrel hiding peanuts in my lawn and as it ran back to get another it took a few moments to roll in the dew-covered grass and wash. I liked that it did a few shoulder rolls and then a quick ear and face wash before another roll and a good tail scrub. I’ve never seen this before. It was quite lovely. It reminded me of the magpies I’d seen in Belgium frolicking one afternoon outside the library, four or five of them tumbling about and then flying up, before coming back to the grass to roll around. They seemed to be laughing. These are unguarded moments that Marlin Perkins never caught on film.

Today was my first day back in class. Just two classes Tuesdays and Thursdays, one class Wednesdays and one Fridays. I love that every entry point had someone there to help people navigate to their classes – or try to give you a donut – and I ran into a number of classmates from last semester. Including the young man who told me I was so lucky to be around for the Golden Age of Movies. I tried to convince him it was too easy to just follow a path that would let you make money, instead make a living with something you enjoy, go for the vocation not just the career. He didn’t seem convinced. He’s in the Running Start program so when he graduates from high school next spring, he’ll have an Associate degree. He likes history and languages. Give me some time, I’ll turn him toward the dark side.


                                                     That last cool morning...

Friday, August 4, 2023


When I wake I am in a void
I try to exit but must remain within.

The conundrum grief holds.

I use my knowledge of Etch A Sketch
to shake memory gray.

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Random Ramble Randomness

 I've been missing for a while as I went to Oregon (and back) and then Jerry and I did a ramble: Peoria, Minneapolis, Madison, Detroit, Niagara Falls, Rochester, and then Columbus. We went to parks and museums, bookstores, and fairs (county and state), thrift stores, and a cat sanctuary with over 350 cats. And now we're ready for a little at-home time before school starts. We enjoyed the vagabond life. A lot. Be careful, be kind. Enjoy the exit to Hope. ☺

The thing with feathers

Blackbirds & cowbirds, the grackles & jays spend the snowy morning at the feeders bullying finches & sparrows. Cardinals aflame ...