Friday, May 26, 2023

Praise the sky, for how well it mourns*

Sun flares at my neighbor’s bird feeder
bright flashes of molten gold, fluttering
like a winged creature. The trees
must be seared with this much heat
blazing in the deep shade. This morning
I didn’t believe it possible to see 
color again, but green
is still a fixture in the world,
the spirea’s pink mix still draws
the bees. In this brief life flowers
in bloom yesterday were still here today.
A hawk landed so close I could count
the feathers ruffled from the landing
and I was surprised by its texture
and tones. It held its stare just long
enough to let my heart ease.

*from "Wi-Fi in the Cemetery" by Hussain Ahmed


  1. Moments like these. Love.

  2. ❤️ Holding space dear friend.

  3. My phone only does
    The beauty and simple joys that still appear in the midst of throttling grief provide a path. A dichotomy we can easily dismiss, deeming it inappropriate or so many other English words/terms. But this IS life, these juxtapositions. Grief and joy, loss and love. Beauty remains, continues around and through us even in our deepest sorrow, our racking tears and agonized sobbing.
    These small moments, the colors, the sounds, the continuation of life all around us, can see us through.
    I honor your posting here today, in this struggling time, this heart-rending time.
    all my love,


Thank you for reading and commenting!

The thing with feathers

Blackbirds & cowbirds, the grackles & jays spend the snowy morning at the feeders bullying finches & sparrows. Cardinals aflame ...