Sunday, July 3, 2022

Seasonal and temporary

At the door the firefly hovered and lit, lit and hovered, moved from one door to the next looking in the window ascending toward the roof and then low toward the front walk. Was this the same insect I’d watched float around the geranium while I was out? This lone beacon crossing the shrubbery, dipping past a begonia, disappearing into that low branch of the ornamental pear. Why wasn’t it with the rest of the flares in the backyard beneath the maple? Was it just waiting to move on, to get around the cul-de-sac and find that giant light that has come early, that barrage of fireworks over by the junior high? Does the light that is seeking light care at this point that those sparks are not its society but another seasonal and temporary flash? I watch until the blaze is gone, one last signal and then it is away into the darkening night.

(photo from

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