Friday, June 3, 2022

What's a little non-belief between friends?

Today I was at the local Red Cross office as Jerry gave blood. I was trying to sit quietly and read (The Dazzle of Day by Molly Gloss, which I’m rereading) when the volunteer who ran the front desk, an older man, came over to chat. He wanted to know if we gave blood often and I told him we’d only started after so many years of not being able to. He asked why and I said we’d lived in Europe and for a long time you couldn’t donate. He asked where and I said Italy, Germany and Belgium. He asked if I’d seen the Pope while I was in Italy and I said yes, a few times.

Then he wandered off and then came back. “When you were in Belgium did you have a waffle?” “Yes. And chocolate.” He wandered off; I opened the book. He came back, “Did you have that Italian coffee when you were in Italy?” “Yes, often.” “And you saw the Pope?” “Yes, I saw a Pope. Not the current Pope.” “I don’t know about this Pope; he seems to not follow the rules. He’s sort of liberal.” “I don’t think he’s liberal enough.” -- I get the first “look” --“He seems to be out there on marriage. It’s not falling in line with traditional marriage and the church.” (I really want to read my book.) “In what way?” I ask. “Well, he’s not following the rules. And he seems to be accepting of those men who want to be girls or girls who want to be men.” “I don’t have a problem with that, but I think he has a long way to go.” “Don’t you think that people should be as God created them.” “I guess that would depend on your belief in god.” “You don’t believe in God?” “No, I do not.” – the “look” again, and a sigh and he walks away and sits down at the desk.

But I got to read.

I feel like I’ve been traveling for months. I left for Oregon on April 4th and returned May 18th. Then after a weekend that flew by (a couple of days running errands and making it to appointments) I drove to Dayton Ohio, Jerry had site visits and I was a tag along. The follow-on trip was to Columbus where oddly enough the newlyweds make their home, so even though the man had to work, we also got to see those crazy kids. (And in-laws!) Lovely time. Some good food, a lot of great company, a community market, a flea market, some cat hugging (no matter how they fight, I get a hug in). And then yesterday a drive home.

I guess after all the good vibes a questionable encounter with a Catholic was due. The last time I spoke to an older Catholic man I was protesting a Planned Parenthood protest (they were not ready for me joining the group with a sign countering theirs) and I actually had a nice chat. We agreed that the best way to help stop abortion was to allow access to healthcare, education and birth control. Pro-choice does not mean anti-life, pro-life does not mean you can’t see other ways to help.

Anyway, it’s June. There’s a low cloud over the world blocking the light. Global. National. Local. Personal. I want to add something here, but I can’t think of an inspiring thing right now. I think I need to go read.

1 comment:

  1. So good to read to meanders again. I always love your descriptions of your encounters. You're so much more graceful with them then I would be I think.
    Yes read. Take up some nourishment.
    Welcome home.


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The thing with feathers

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