Monday, June 14, 2021

The smallest brilliance


An old poem, 1995 or so, and some lights that are visiting now.


Fireflies between the olive trees,
our own little Leonid off the balcony.
The moon in her shy interlude with night
stares at her own bright face in the sea.

Our children doze, faces slack and beautiful
sure that the moon and all lights
have danced for them this night.

This is our sliver of independence
this weary day-end sleep that holds
them silent and still as night deepens.

Come, we have so little time
before day draws them back
to the center of our universe.

The Feedburner email service I've been using is shutting down. To continue (or begin) receiving my Meanders by email, you'll need to sign up at the subscription box on the right hand side of this page. Both services will run until June 15th, and then Feedburner will end and the service I've chosen (Mailchimp) will send out an email whenever a new entry is made.


  1. Gorgeous poem.
    I can't watch the videos now, my internet speeds have tanked. Hopefully it will get resolved soon.


Thank you for reading and commenting!

The thing with feathers

Blackbirds & cowbirds, the grackles & jays spend the snowy morning at the feeders bullying finches & sparrows. Cardinals aflame ...