Sunday, May 2, 2021

Bright things are happening

I planted my lone raised bed today, well, I transplanted some sunflowers and then crazily overseeded cosmos from the seeds I harvested last year. I thought I had zinnia seeds to plant but then remembered I let the gold finches have them. I’m not planting anything in my neighbors raised beds as they are moving and the house is for sale; it’s just easier than playing what if. I’m sure if the beds aren’t touched tomatoes and cosmos and zinnias will come up on their own, so there is that. We’ll see. My neighbor said they’d be out of the house by June, (they rent) which is too bad. They won’t be trying to buy the house, which is too bad also, but the market here is so overheated and it’s out of their range. We’ve been very lucky with neighbors so far, everyone is quiet and friendly, but it always feels like that neighbor is just waiting to arrive put out the lawn jockey and the rebel flag and let their dog crap on your sidewalk and their teens scowl at you. (Have I just cursed us?)

 A poetry month prompt response:

The light is bright from the sliver of moon
this morning. We begin by following the old path
the one covered in stone before it turns to regular
suburbia: asphalt, concrete, non-native plants,
and lawns coiffed to perfection. Nothing newsworthy.
Behind the dark windows the days start the same
but those of us out here in the predawn are joining
in song with the ginger cardinal as she calls to beckon
the sun, read all about it she cries, bright things are happening.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, what is that bird in your first awesome photo?
    You could plant the quick early season crops like sugar peas and arugula, things to harvest before they move.
    I haven't planted seeds yet, but it's about time. We can get frosts late, and it is still getting down below freezing at night here. But it's time to get my beds prepped and planted. Still designing, and have to install fencing too. The dog has changed things due to her digging, no point planting until I can make things safe ;-o
    I did have a happy surprise when I looked under a row cover that had been on a bed all winter, kale, and arugula, and lettuce! While it wasn't below zero here last winter, it did get down to 1 degree and the beds were certainly frozen.


Thank you for reading and commenting!

The thing with feathers

Blackbirds & cowbirds, the grackles & jays spend the snowy morning at the feeders bullying finches & sparrows. Cardinals aflame ...