Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Just a Tuesday

Today was voting day here in O’Fallon, Illinois. Mayor, Alderman, City Clerk, School board members. We went over to Saint Nicholas, which is our normal precinct, and it took about five minutes to have our information found and then ballots filled out. The mayor is running for reelection and is unopposed, so either he’s doing a great job (I have no complaints) or no one cares or no one wants this job.  Jerry thinks it’s a combo of all three. Aside from that my day was filled with prepping the flower beds for the finishing touches, rocks and mulch. I was putting weed barrier down when the local nursery let me know they could deliver today if needed (yes! please) so Jerry and I moved about a ton and a half of rock before we voted. Nothing gets you ready for the democratic process than some good physical labor.

Tomorrow I get my second dose of vaccine. Kind of excited. Making some plans already, looking West. More than that I’ll cover in email with select friends and/or family. 😊

Here's today's poem followed by the prompt:

Another poem for Ursula
The cardinals are ransacking the feeder, fresh filled
with sunflower seeds. They torpedo in and their sounds
ring against the house, echoing into the open windows.
My blind cat sits, answers their tunes with a cry
her eyes turned toward them, but it is only the nerve
recalling how to zero in on wing-beat and song.
I write this new poem and hope that what is killing
                                              her finds calm; will ask for more words.
Today’s prompt
Write a short poem (rhyming not necessary) that  includes each of the following 5 words (anywhere and  n any order). Poems should not exceed 7 or 8 lines:
                                                          write, beat, nerve, sound, cry.

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The thing with feathers

Blackbirds & cowbirds, the grackles & jays spend the snowy morning at the feeders bullying finches & sparrows. Cardinals aflame ...