Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Neighbors and friends


Last night I read as part of Poetry at the Point from the Saint Louis Poetry Center. Originally, I had been scheduled for July of last year but knew over the course of the Spring that those dates would be pushed back or cancelled; they were of course. There were readings and events cancelled throughout the March and April and most everything has been shut down since. It has been wonderful to see the various venues shift to online; it has really expanded the audience. It has been quite a while since I read as a “featured” poet. The last event was actually in Belgium when the open mic was still happening. But it is always fun to work on a lineup of poems to read and then rejig just an hour before time. My last-minute substitution was to add a lighter poem, Cats in the time of Coronavirus. I thought I would highlight it here today based on the friends who have shown back up, I know they just like the now snow free deck and the close exit routes the deck provides.
Cats in the time of Coronavirus
The cats come to our house
because they know we are vulnerable
and we are home. They know
our weaknesses and our tender hearts.
They sense our many griefs
and know how to manipulate us.
They’ll be shy at first.
And then needy.
The moment we open the door
they’ll twist their whiskers
and whisper,
“Yes. Yes, just as planned.”

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The thing with feathers

Blackbirds & cowbirds, the grackles & jays spend the snowy morning at the feeders bullying finches & sparrows. Cardinals aflame ...