Friday, January 8, 2021

Light the world

Today I took the tree down, packed away the decorations and brought in the wreaths from the front of the house. When we put the tree up it went into a room, we could lock the cats out of during the night. We’ve had cats for years and though Comet was well past tree climbing or bauble batting we have had the three A.M. crash as some feline toppled the tree (Phil!). Zora and Ursula did not touch the tree aside from the initial 'This is new' sniffing and a test bite or two. The entire time it was up one ball was found in the middle of the floor and Zora was sitting under a table nearby; not evidence of a crime and she swore it was there when she entered the room. I rehung it on a low branch and that’s where I took it from this morning. But I am not putting all the lights away. Ursula has spent every evening around the tree looking at the lights. It seemed to comfort her. So, I filled the big owl vase with lights and placed it where she has a few places to lounge; she’s there now in a cat bed under a table where the light falls over her. Small kindness for small beings.
Be safe, wear your mask. Be kind to those big and small and especially those who seem to not have enough kindness in their lives; we’re all here for the long haul.


Thank you for reading and commenting!

The thing with feathers

Blackbirds & cowbirds, the grackles & jays spend the snowy morning at the feeders bullying finches & sparrows. Cardinals aflame ...