Saturday, November 28, 2020


Today was a sunny cool day here in Southern Illinois, at least our swath. We walked, we watched some football, wrestled some cats, watched birds and I read poetry. This afternoon I called my Mother and we sang Happy Birthday. Then we did something we haven’t done in quite awhile we ordered take out (in Europe, take away) from a Mexican restaurant about five minutes from us. And it was good! We haven’t had much luck finding places, so a pleasant surprise. Tonight, we are just lazing, both cats are with Jerry on the couch and I am slightly jealous. We watched a “mockumentary” about a Frybread competition called More Than Frybread which was silly and fun. And before I sleep tonight, I see Claudia Rankine is the New York Times By The Book interviewee, so I’m looking forward to that.

Here’s a picture of a Little Free Library we pass a few times a week, the people that host it change the sign often and this is their latest:

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, we'll have to watch that, sounds great!
    It's hard to find good Mexican take away outside of New Mexico (my fave). Even here in Elko Nevada we haven't had any that was decent, though I can't say we've tried more than one place I think (we aren't restaurant goers).
    I love those little libraries.
    I have seen 'free poems' done too, though of course that requires a paper and ink expenditure


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The thing with feathers

Blackbirds & cowbirds, the grackles & jays spend the snowy morning at the feeders bullying finches & sparrows. Cardinals aflame ...