Friday, October 23, 2020

Keep the focus

Last night we watched the first 44 minutes of the debate, the last debate between 45 and Joe Biden.
It was quieter than the first. Though it wasn't pretty or news worthy. If the Cheeto could tell the truth that may have made the news or changed a mind. And if you are still undecided and if you somehow find your way to this sliver of the Internet, Fuck you. 

On another note, on another channel, two of the worst teams in the NFL were playing but we were able to witness Giants quarterback, Daniel Jones, come to so close to a really remarkable running touchdown. One which they replayed and replayed, his teammates laughed, it was a GIF before the game was over and for some reason it gave me endless delight. Jerry has no idea why, but he laughed heartily too. He was so close, C'mon, buddy! If it was 2016 we could call this run the Clinton-Kaine. As it is, it is not cautionary political metaphor or great football. Don't look back, just run. Pick your feet up and run. We need a good finish. We need the win.


1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately the Jones clip is unavailable. It says it contains content from the NFL and has been blocked from display on YouTube.
    Yes, we need the win.


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The thing with feathers

Blackbirds & cowbirds, the grackles & jays spend the snowy morning at the feeders bullying finches & sparrows. Cardinals aflame ...