Friday, September 8, 2023

Speaking of blessings


There’s a field just at the edge of the neighborhood that was mown earlier in the summer for hay. Right now, it’s just about belly high on a deer. At least the deer I see there, as the sun cups them in the morning, are belly-deep. It has been a hot and pretty dry summer here and I’ve never seen this field irrigated so belly-deep in September is probably about right.

At school, I’m taking an ecology class and each week we have a field trip. I knew the class was going to be good because on day one, as we headed to Richland Creek a coyote ran out of a cornfield and crossed the road in front of us. Blessings. So far, we’ve collected stream samples to check for invertebrates, there was a hike up some bluffs to a hill prairie (lizards and scorpions found), and during the last class, we went out to Fossil Creek and looked for fossils. I found over fifteen. One had to work hard not to find a fossil. The class is very small, six people, so the field trips and the labs are really effective. Lots of time, everyone gets to work through things. Next week it looks like we’re off to another stream in the area.

Meanwhile, in Film Appreciation we’re watching movies and discussing techniques. We’ve just finished Documentary. Now we’ll be focusing on cinematography. Today we watched 1917 and next week we’re scheduled for Children of Men – each could fit in the category of “wrenching”.

Speaking of blessings, the fawn in the picture came to our yard at least three times and slept or stayed calm while awaiting the parental unit's return. She may have been in the front yard a week ago as well; I could only see one outline when I looked out the front window. I wonder if now the deer are closer to the morning light, blessing another yard, out near the hill where the hay is belly-deep as the sun bends into fall.

The thing with feathers

Blackbirds & cowbirds, the grackles & jays spend the snowy morning at the feeders bullying finches & sparrows. Cardinals aflame ...