Saturday, February 13, 2021

The new little black dress

Insurrection is the new little black dress. Worn with a necklace of non-factual glass beads and alternative facts earrings, it is all the rage (except for the actual rage of seeing a seditionist thug just go back to the golf course). Throw in some off the shoulder chants of kill her or hang him and the young go-getter is all set for a day of mayhem and treason. Don’t have a date? Looking for a proud boy or an oath keeper or maybe just a yellow-bellied GOP senator? We’ve got ‘em by the state-full. If you’re leaning toward toady yes-men/women who like Glocks/spears/baseball bats and police shields you’ve found your home! Your new dress will look fabulous at any event where racist and Holocaust deniers gather; where lost cause flags fly; where the feeling of entitlement can be cut with a knife.

Getty Image 2021


  1. Yes. I fear there will be blood as so many take this as vindication of their actions.


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